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Showing posts from August, 2021

Ambiguous Figures

What is Ambiguous Figure? Ambiguous figure is also known as Bistable or Reversible Figure. It is a visual stimulus (an image) that can have multiple interpretations , but we could see only one interpretation at a time. Ambiguous figures have demonstrated the concept of multistable perception in which an image is able to provide multiple, yet stable, perceptions. When perceiving ambiguous figures, our perception of the image would reverse spontaneously even though the visual information stays unchanged, and hence perceiving another object in the unchanging image. -- The rabbit/duck illusion 🐰🦆, young/old lady 👧🏻👵🏼, and Rubin’s vase are the famous examples of ambiguous figures. Rabbit duck Illusion Young old lady Illusion Rubin's vase -- Jastrow’s rabbit/duck & young/old lady In Jastrow’s rabbit/duck and the young/old lady illusion, we can see rabbit and duck; young and old lady in the same image respectively. The mechanism of change in perception is similar, where when y...

Tips to Increase Productivity!

What is productivity?📋 Productivity is the quality of being productive or having the power to produce. Productivity in the workplace refers to the amount of “work” that is completed over a specific period of time. -- How do you increase your productivity? Some suggest that you can take breaks in between tasks, set small achievable goals, and try to avoid multitasking (focus one at a time!). However, to sufficiently increase your productivity the most important thing is that you identify what you can and/or cannot do, then choose to focus on what things that you can do something about! Stephen Covey (1989) proposed the circles of influence and circle of concern in his book named “ 7 habits of highly effective people ” as one of the ways to increase productivity. By deciding how we view ourselves and the situations, as well as to have control over our own effectiveness. _Circle of Influence_ The circle of influence includes things that you are concerned about, but you have the power an...

Free Will & Determinism

Do you believe that everything that is happening in this world is determined to happen? Or it could be possibly changed if the time was rewound? If you agree more with the latter, you are likely to believe in free will; if you agree more with the former, you are likely to believe in determinism! What is free will? As the name suggests, free will refers to you having the freedom to do whatever you want . Free will is characterized by the following: Our actions are the product of our own intention and belief. Hence you held moral responsibility for all your actions If you have the same or different desire, there is a chance that you will still do other things Your choice isn’t pressured by anything. Even though your actions can be influenced by other factors, that ‘something/ other factors’ isn’t the main influence of your actions. You are the uncaused cause of your own behaviour In short, assuming that someone has free will, nothing is predetermined. We have the freedom to create our o...

'The Dress' Illusion

What colour do you perceive this dress as? Blue-black or White-gold ? Why do we perceive different colours from this image? This is due to the failure of colour constancy ! -- What is colour constancy? Colour constancy suggests that regardless of the lighting in the environment, we can always identify the colour of the object. Normally when we look at an object (eg. a red apple), we rely on surrounding cues such as reflection, lighting, and etc to recognize the object including its colours. While perceiving the colours of an object, the tone of the lighting (either warm or cool tone) would affect the colour perception. The dress illusion happened due to the failure of colour constancy which is caused by the unusual similarity of the lighting towards both warm and cool tone. In other words, when we should be seeing the same dress colour regardless the tone of the lighting, we actually perceive different colours of the same dress. -- Dress illusion Explanations Q: Why do some people see...

Learning Tips

How can we apply behaviourist theories to help us learn better🧐? As we have learned the main theories and experiments about behaviourism, we would like to share some tips to help you to change and/or reinforce your behaviour in order to enhance your learning experience!! ✨😜 Here are the learning tips based on behaviourism that you may apply to help you learn and study! 1️⃣ Classical Conditioning: Condition yourself to study and learn! Classical Conditioning is a form of associative learning which involves an automatic stimulus and a specific stimulus. It posits that learning and forming new associations can help to shape new behaviours and responses. By associating two different or even unrelated stimuli together, a new learned response can be created. Let’s apply classical conditioning theory to help us study! Firstly, create an environment that is cosy and mood-boosting which encourages you to study and learn. Secondly, associate the “ideal” study environment of yours with your st...

Social Learning Theory

What is Social Learning Theory? Social learning theory was first developed by Albert Bandura which suggests that people can acquire new behaviour through observing, modelling, and imitating others. This theory takes the interaction between environmental and cognitive factors into consideration on how it influences human learning and behaviour. In conjunction with the theory, Bandura and colleagues conducted an experiment to study learned behaviour in children and found that solely through observing the adults’ behaviour particularly aggressive behaviour, children would imitate and carry out the observed behaviour. This experiment not only indicated that aggressive behaviour can be learned, behaviour can also be learned through observation and imitation. The Bobo Doll Experiment The Bobo Doll experiment is a study of social learning theory. In the experiment, 76 children (aged 3 to 6 years old) were recruited with an equal number of females and males. The number of children was distr...

Operant Conditioning

What is Operant Conditioning? Operant conditioning, which is also known as instrumental conditioning, is a method of learning that heavily relies on reward and punishment . Reward is used to increase the likelihood of the reoccurrence of behaviour, whereas punishment is used to decrease it. -- Origin of Operant Conditioning The concept of operant conditioning is based on Thorndike’s Law of Effect , where he coined this term after learning that animals are able to learn through trial and error. Thorndike’s Puzzle Box (Thorndike’s Cat) Thorndike studied animal learning using his cat and set up his experiment with a puzzle box as shown as below: He placed the cat in the puzzle box, observed 👀 and recorded 📝 the time taken for the cat to escape from the puzzle box. Once the cat has successfully escaped, he will then place the cat back in the same box and rerun the experiment until the time taken ⏳ for the cat to escape has reached its optimal point 💯. When the cat is placed in the box...

Classical Conditioning

What is Classical Conditioning?  Classical conditioning is a form of associative learning between an automatic stimulus and a specific stimulus. * Classical conditioning would be referred to as CC in the remaining text. * How does Classical Conditioning work? Before we start, there are a few terms to know about: Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) - Any stimulus that will always and naturally elicit a response. Unconditioned Response (UCR) - Any response that always and naturally occurs upon the presentation of the UCS. Neutral Stimulus (NS) - Any stimulus that does not naturally elicit a response associated with the UCR. Conditioned Stimulus (CS) - Any stimulus that will, after association with a UCS, cause a conditioned response (CR) when present to a subject by itself. Conditioned Response (CR) - Any response that occurs upon the presentation of CS. So how do CC works? It involves presenting a neutral stimulus before an unconditioned stimulus (that produces an automatic, unconditioned ...

About Behavioural Psychology

What is Behavioural Psychology? Behavioural psychology (also known as behaviourism) suggests that all behaviours are acquired through i nteracting with the environment , and conditioning , which is a learning process that is able to modify a response towards a given object or event. Successful conditioning would result in an increased frequency or predictability of a particular response in a given environment as a result of reinforcement. 3 Main Theories: 1. Classical (Pavlovian) conditioning Proposed by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, in the 1890s. It is a process of learning between two independent stimuli, where an automatic, conditioned response is paired with a specific stimulus. 2. Operant (Instrumental) conditioning Inspired by Thorndike's Law of Effect, operant conditioning was first proposed by Skinner. It suggests that when a behaviour is followed by reinforcement (reward), it is more likely to occur again in the future, and vice versa if the behaviour is followed by...


你认为心理学是什么呢? 心理学是一门读心术吗? 绝对不是! 你怎样问,或者问哪个读心理学的人都好,读心理学的人都不会读心术的! 所以心理学是什么? 心理学是一门有关人类的思维与行为的科学研究(科研) 心理学的英文(psychology)源自于两个希腊语的词: psyche = 灵魂/思想; logos = 对于一个课题的讨论. 心理学有多少领域? 心理学涵盖了非常多的领域。从最受欢迎的社会和犯罪心理学, 到与人脑相关的,较科学类的生物和认知心理学, 还有音乐心理学或运动心理学等等等等。我们可以从中看到,我们生活中有很多事物会和心理学有一些关联。 想要了解更多可以观看这个影片哦>> 关于心理学 为什么要选择心理学? 心理学是一个非常有趣的一门学问。你不仅可以了解为什么一个人为什么会有特定的行为或想法,你也可以探索导致这些行为或想法的背后原因。因为它所涉猎的领域非常广泛,我们可以通过不同的角度或领域去研究。例:如果一个人呈现出一种抑郁的状态,有可能时他所在的环境带来了巨大的压力,或者是他继承了可能导致抑郁症的基因。我们都可以从不同角度去分析导致抑郁的背后原因。 若你是一个非常关注心理(精神)健康或者对于有着发育障碍的人的福利与相关问题,你也可以通过学习心理学了解相关精神疾病(例: 抑郁症,躁郁症)或者发育障碍(例:自闭症,唐氏综合症)的资讯。你会从中了解到相关疾病的症状,病因。也因为有些疾病时无法被治好的,你也会学到可以帮助患有相关疾病的人适应生活的方法。 总的来说! 心理学是一门可以提供你许多资讯的学科,也可以成为你选择就读本科的其中一个选择。若你对心理学有兴趣的话,可以多多关注这个部落格或者关注我们的 Instagram ( @fish.psychology )哦!我们会在ins账号上以中英双语分享资讯~

About Psychology

What  do you think Psychology is? Is Psychology about mind-reading? No. If you ask anyone who studies Psychology whether they can read your mind or not, they would give a firm 'NO' about it. So what is Psychology? It is the scientific research of the human mind and behaviour. The word Psychology comes from two Greek words: psyche = soul/mind, logos=study of a topic. What are the main areas in Psychology? Psychology is inclusive of many, many areas. It could go as 'sciency' and 'biologically' as biological psychology or cognitive psychology and as artistic as music psychology as well as art psychology (not to mention the popular social and forensic psychology). There are many things we encounter in our life are somewhat related to psychology. Check out this link below to know more! Why study Psychology? Psychology is FUN! You get to learn a variety of things. Not only you will learn about why an ...


哈咯! 欢迎来到咸鱼心理学 🐟 ~! 在咸鱼心理学我们主要会以有趣的方式把不同领域的心理学知识带给大家!除此之外,我们也会分享一些实用的自我帮助的技巧 和一些名人名言带给给大家 更重要的是我们的文贴会以两种语言, 也就是华语和英文来分享哟~! -- 现在让我们一起来了解关于咸鱼心理学是怎么开始的吧~ 1.咸鱼心理学是由两位大学心理学毕业生创办的,虽说是大学毕业生但是我们也是枯燥的咸鱼因为在疫情环境下毕业这两条咸鱼不知道可以干些什么也懒得做些什么。😂😂🤭🤭 2.所以我们就心血来潮决定把它取名为咸鱼心理学。当然一开始我们真的很懊恼不知道要用什么名字(原来啊取名字是蛮用脑的😂😂)。在还没取名为咸鱼心理学我们当然有想到一系列我们认为比较(普通)的名啦 (例如:Psyvibe, Psychout等) 3. 跟你们说说一个事实,你以为FISH Psychology 咸鱼心理学里的FISH这一个字真的只是叫fish吗?它其实是有意思的哦!FISH 是 Fun, Informative, Self, Help 的简称呀!(其实叫FISH的真正原因是因为两个小编都是咸鱼哈哈哈哈 4. 关于我们的标志也是有意思的哦: 我们的小编(H)说: 咸鱼就是把死🐟用盐腌制而成的,所以是死🐟。然后我们利用蓝色(代表着海洋)让死🐟复生(当然死🐟不会复生啦)。这就好像表示着心理学这门学问如何帮助现今社会有心理疾病的人。还有标志里有两条鱼就是代表我们两个创办人啦!

About FISH Psychology

Hello! Welcome to FISH Psychology 🐟 ~! This blog is dedicated to share information from different fields of psychology in a FUN way! We will also be sharing some self-help tips and quotes for you to practice and maintain a healthy mental health :D Why are we called FISH Psychology? 1. Both the owner of this account are Psychology fresh graduates, but sadly are also two lifeless ‘ham yu’ aka salted fish (a metaphor for a corpse in Cantonese, now means people who have no intention of doing anything) 2. Consequently, we decided to name this account as FISH Psychology even though initially we prepared several names for the acc (eg. Psyvibe, Psychout) 3. Well we have to give a meaning behind the FISH in FISH psychology so we actually made FISH as an abbreviation of Fun Informative Self Help (FISH) (Actually, the real reason is bc we wanted to not ‘high key’ tell people we are salted fish so) 4. The logo (our profile pic) actually has a meaning: Owner H said that Ham yu is like dead fish (i...